The Pathfinder Science Network August 25, 2007
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Image Gallery [Upload new image]

PathFinder Science is now supporting image uploads to extend data collected within projects. Images can be uploaded in two ways:
  1. Immediately after submitting data within a project, an image upload is provided
  2. Images can be uploaded within the gallery, if they pertain to a project. Note that images uploaded below are not linked to a specific data sampling or recording event. As such, please contribute location, date, and other relevant information in the comments box below.
  • IMG_0118.jpg [02/20/03 by 2308]
          Crustose banding on young Oak in residential area with light traffic.
  • IMG_0114.jpg [02/20/03 by 2308]
          Half-mile north of lake and on the east edge of a group of trees.
  • Lichens image.jpg [03/29/03 by 10174]
         Several types of lichens growing on a silver maple tree in the school playground at Norfork, Arkansas. Scale in cm's from ruler on left. 29 March 2003
  • Lichens_image.jpg [03/29/03 by 10174]
         Several types of lichens growing on a silver maple tree in the school playground at Norfork, Arkansas. Scale in cm's from ruler on left. 29 March 2003
  • 2grls lichen.jpg [03/02/04 by 2726]
          Students at Evergreen Community School collect lichen data in Great Smoky Mountains National Park
  • PICT1134.JPG [03/06/04 by 10451]
          Poor lighting, but a great foliose specimen, nevertheless.
  • IM000227.JPG [03/11/04 by 10456]
  • IM000230.JPG [03/11/04 by 10456]
  • IM000229.JPG [03/11/04 by 10456]
  • IM000228.JPG [03/11/04 by 10456]
  • Rivaldo.JPG [12/22/04 by 0]

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